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Brand Division Of Align Production Systems


Reliable & Efficient Transportation

Reliable and efficient heavy machinery moves with Airfloat air caster technology.

Air Skid Sizes
Our Air Skids are available in diameters ranging from 10 to 54 inches, with weight capacities from 2,400 to 40,000 lbs. per skid. Our skids allow for price, omnidirectional movement of heavy loads.
How it Works
Air caster technology works on the principle of using compressed air to glide industrial equipment on a thin film of air as an alternative to using overhead cranes or large caster wheels.
High Capacity
Airfloat Air Skids support weight capacities from 2,400 to 40,000 lbs. per skid. The skids can be bolted under machines or fixtures to lift heavy duty and high capacity machinery.

With capacities reaching up to 40,000 lbs. per skid, Airfloat Air Caster Skids are capable of doing incredible things.

The omnidirectional movement of the skids allows for easy, flexible movement of heavy loads with just a few pounds of force by the operator. The air casters work by using compressed air to float on a thin film of air, capable of lifting heavy fixtures and machinery. The heaviest load moved on Airfloat air casters was 500 tons!

The air casters work by using compressed air to float on a thin film of air, capable of lifting heavy machinery. The heaviest load moved on Airfloat air casters was 500 tons.
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