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Brand Division Of Align Production Systems

Airfloat Improves Its Workhorse Air Skid System

Airfloat, the pioneer of air bearing (or “air caster”) technology, once again revolutionizes heavy load movement! The company has redesigned its workhorse air skid system, making it easier to operate and service than ever before. Most notably, the controller has been completely reimagined, allowing it to be carried by the operator during equipment moves or placed on the ground in an upright or horizontal position. Available in four-port or six-port models, the air skid controller has individual flow controls and quick disconnects for each skid in addition to a prominent air pressure indicator.

air bearing, air casterAn optional “deadman” safety pendant mounts to the controller handle, allowing the operator to energize/de-energize the air skid system with the touch of a button. When the controller is placed on the floor, the safety pendant maybe detached, enabling the operator to roam up to 15 feet from the controller while remaining in control of the system.

Airfloat’s signature air skid (or “air skate”) has been redesigned to incorporate an air inlet block, which replaces the old exterior plumbing previously found on the front of each skid. Now both the air bearing and bearing tray may be removed in seconds without detaching any external hoses or clamps, making inspection and maintenance a breeze.

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Airfloat air skids are available in seven sizes, with air bearing diameters ranging from 12 inches to 48 inches. Individual skid capacities range from 3,000 lbs. to 52,500 pounds. Total system capacities for a set of four air skids begin at 12,000 lbs. and top out at a hefty 210,000 lbs.

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